Thursday, 1 May 2014

What Really Makes An Epic Video Game?

It does not matter whether you buy game consoles online or not, buying video games online is always a handy choice. But buying video games online is not as easy as buying Mac makeup online – you like the shades, you make a purchase. You look for a brilliant game with all the elements put together in right ratios. Is it the visuals or the addicting game play that makes an epic video game? Let’s see what really are the ingredients of an epic video game.

The Three Pillars of Superb Gaming

Even if you buy your video games and PS3 games consoles online, there always are three main pillars of brilliant gaming:

•    Interesting story
•    Great visuals
•    Engaging game play
It is pretty simple to specify but hard to achieve these attributes in a game. A lot of video games just don’t stand steady to all these pillars. And when a game really nails all three pillars, such games are truly epic and worth treasuring.

Are Epic Games Rare?

When you buy Xbox 360 online and you are eager to play some epic games on it, you may rarely find a game with perfect combination of all three pillars. But this does not mean that games with 2 out of 3 pillars set excellently cannot give you the desired dose of thrill and fun gaming times.

The games with addictive gameplay and great visuals can still become an epic. All it takes those two elements to be stellar making that game a classic play. For example, let’s say that the graphics of a particular game are incredible with average storyline but the multiplayer interface is unbelievably outstanding – you’ve hit an epic game.

No matter if a game has only one or two pillars of gaming set brilliantly, if it is full of unforgettable moments, it makes an epic game for all gaming enthusiasts. If the game makes you feel the emotions with its characters, it surely is an epic game.


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